Swimming in pools or seas can possibly cause damage to ones hair if care is not taken. Thus requires protection from the chlorine and salt water which can be achieved by use of a few tips. The best way to protect the hair is to ensure always that the amount of swimming water that is absorbed into your hair is kept to a minimal. The lesser the amount absorbed the less chlorine and salt, and the less damage caused. Therefore a few tips as below if put to use, can help achieve the same.
Wetting hair
Before embarking to the swimming pool, ensure you wet the hair thoroughly with fresh water. If the hair has soaked up enough water, the hair strands will not have any room for the salted or chlorinated water to come in and this will cause less damage to the hair.
Use of a conditioner
Slathering the hair with a conditioner helps coat the strands thus insulating them from chlorine and salt thus minimizing the damage that can result from the absorption of the same. Conditioners that have an ingredient that is known as dimethocone are very effective. Also the silicone that is found in a conditioner tends to act as a barrier between the hair and the chlorine together with other chemicals that may be present in the water one is swimming in.
Using oil
A generous application of oil especially the coconut oil, olive oil or baby oil on the hair at least one hour before getting into the pool or swimming pool would aid in preventing penetration of the chlorine or salty water into the hair strands. These oils will penetrate and coat the hair thus acting as an insulator. The recommended shea butter will also act as a sunscreen that will protect the hair from the ravages of the sun rays and hence from the UVA and UVB rays.
Using home remedies
Home remedies which include hair packs that can be made up of avocado, honey and/or mayonnaise, and egg yolk. This mixture if massaged on the hair and left for up to 15 minutes while covered in a warm towel, will cause fresh water to be absorbed fully leaving no room for the strands to absorb the salt or chlorinated hair.
Using swimming caps
Swimming caps or hats can be worn while going for a swim to prevent wetting the hair. This is an effective yet easy way of protecting the hair from the harsh conditions of pool or sea water. Therefore investing in a swimming cap will ensure that hair remains free of chlorine or salt water and if exposed to the same, just a minimal amount is absorbed. Despite the fact that some people are of the opinion of discarding the swim cap since it doesn’t water proof the hair 100%, it is worth using. Besides, if a swim cap is used with oiled hair, the result is a double protection of the hair from the chlorine and salt.
Use of a clarifying shampoo
Right after a swim, it is essential to shampoo the hair to rid it of chlorine or salt that gets to sit there. This is achieved by using a clarifying shampoo which has the capacity to remove any build ups and deep down dirt. However this kind of shampoo should be used with caution since it can strip the hair even of it natural oils which can lead to dry brittle hair. It is recommended at least twice monthly and only a small amount should be applied. A clarifying shampoo can be substituted by adding a pinch of baking powder to the ordinary shampoo.
Use a conditioner after washing by shampoo
After the hair has been shampooed it should be put through a deep hair conditioner to restore the lost moisture. Chlorine and salt tend to dry out hair thus the need to recondition the hair after a swim. Conditioning the hair after a shampoo, aids in keeping it tangle free, soft and manageable.