This article is for girls who hate having hair on their upper lip and feel the need to remove it.
Bleach Method
- By using a cream bleach, like Jolen, you can lighten the hairs if they are not completely black, but just dark. This lasts for up to 2 weeks.Buy a cream bleach (do not use regular bleach!)
- Read the instructions on the box WELL.
- Apply it in the necessary areas (careful not to get it in your mouth/lips and in your eyes!)
- Wait the amount of time it tells you on the box
- Wash it off and wash your hands well.
Wax Method
- You can also remove the hair entirely by waxing. You can wax at a salon or with an at-home kit which can be purchased at drug stores. Waxing will remove the hairs and keep them from growing back for a couple weeks.
- Either go to a salon, or buy an at-home waxing kit
- If you bought an at-home waxing kit, read the instructions WELL.
- Heat up the wax
- Apply it to the desired area
- If there are strips that come with the kit, apply the strip on the wax
- Wait a bit (it should tell you how long to wait on the package)
- Quickly rip the strip off (it will take the wax and your hair with it)
Nair Method
- The Nair Method involves a hair removal cream. Note that there are many good hair removal creams out there and that you do not necessarily have to use Nair.
- Read the instructions WELL.
- Apply a thick coat of nair on your upper lip
- Wait a bit. (Wait for 8 minutes maximum!)
- Wipe it off with a small paper towel and wash it off with warm water.
- If some hairs do not come off easily, just try rubbing them gently with water. If that doesn’t work,take a bath. The steam coming from the bath will make tough hairs come out on their own.
- Apply cream afterwards, preferably petroleum jelly, as some creams may irritate the area.
Laser Removal Method – This is the the method I recommend as it is most effective with the longest lasting results. Over a few years of treatment the hair will be eradicated.
- Research the location online before trying it. Some places do have better machines and do a better job than other places.
- Read and listen to recommendations from those who have had it work best.
- Ask a female adult that you trust for advice on where to go.
- Once you’ve picked a location, go and book an appointment!
- Threading is a great alternative for those with sensitive skin, as it won’t leave your skin red and blotchy for days. Once you understand the concept of threading, it is easy to do yourself with the only cost being thread.
- Decide whether to go to a salon or to do it yourself. If it’s your first time threading, it’s best to go to a salon to see how professionals do it before trying it yourself.
- If you want to do it yourself, learn how. Many videos online can help you understand how to thread all facial hair.
It is a good idea to use a stopwatch or a timer when bleaching or removing the hair. Most cell phones have them.
- No matter how you remove the hair, it will always grow back (except with laser removal), so don’t be surprised or sad when it comes back.
Nair does not work on very thick hair.
- Never use bleach or Nair more than directed, as this may cause severe burning of the upper lip.
- Never shave. Notice what happens to men (after they’ve shaved), even after shaving they have this shadow which might look handsome in some men, but will never look nice on a girl’s upper lip. Don’t shave unless you want the skin under your nose to look like your dad’s!