We all know that opioids are harmful to the human body. There are times when overdoes of opioids can show you the ugly side of the drugs. In such overdose cases, a person would need immediate medical attention. During your visit to the ER, the doctors will use Narcan to treat you. Narcan is a medicine used for treating such cases of overdose caused by opioids. So, if you consumed any opioid and noticed any effect like Pinpoint Pupils, Unconsciousness, Slow Heartbeat, Inability to Respond, or respiratory depression, you would need medical attention.
Working of Narcan
Narcan is used to counter the negative effects of opioid overdoes, and it should not be used for treating opioid addiction. Narcan works by preventing central nervous system depression and respiratory depression. Narcan is directly injected into the vein or the muscle, and it starts showing effect almost immediately. Narcan is also used after surgery as opioids are used during surgery too. Narcan is also given to patients who are taking opioids to deal with pain or going through an opioid detoxification program.
How Long Does Narcan Stay In Your System?
Narcan stays in your system for a very short duration. Usually, it won’t stay in your system for more than 1 or 2 hours. The opioids may remain in your system longer than Narcan will stay in your system. One problem is that you might have a strong urge to take drugs again after Narcan has been administered. The chances of overdosing on opioids are even higher after Narcan has been administered. So, you would need to remain clean for a while after taking Narcan. Also, note that opioids will still be detectable in blood, urine, saliva, and hair after taking Narcan. This medicine doesn’t remove the opioids from your system, but it counters the effect caused by a high dosage of opioids.
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