The general cause of the swelling in the body part is your immune system acting against the infection. To treat the inflammation, the doctor would often give you an immunosuppressant. Methotrexate is one such option available for people. It is a very common medicine used to treat psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other such diseases. You should note that Methotrexate is a prescription drug.
The dosage of Methotrexate is available in tablets, injection pens, injections, and even oral liquid. The dosage and the medium are prescribed depending on the various factors. The treatment using Methotrexate is often monitored, and you will have to go through x-rays and blood tests.
Side Effects of Methotrexate
There are many side effects of Methotrexate. 1% of people using this tablet will have minor side effects like headache, diarrhea, loss of appetite, indigestion, drowsiness, or hair loss. Also, 0.01% of people have serious side effects as well. These side effects may include breathing issues, liver issues, kidney issues, high temperature, vomiting, or bleeding gums. If you experience any major side effects, you should contact your doctor immediately.
How Long Does Methotrexate Stay in the System?
There are some concerns around how long the Methotrexate will stay in the system. Many resources will tell you that Methotrexate will be eliminated from your body in four to five days. This is because the half-life of Methotrexate is three to 110 hours. However, as per some research, Methotrexate can stay in your body for six months. It usually affects the reproductive organs of both males & females. So, if you are trying to conceive a baby, you should only try six months after stopping the medicine dosage. In such a case, we recommend you check with the doctor about the Methotrexate and its effect. It would still be a better idea to wait half a year before trying to conceive a baby.
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